Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Thunder is Nothing to a Bird

There was another thunderstorm last night.  I was afraid that Mrs. Robin's eggs would get too cold because the night was cold.  When Mom went for a walk, she walked near the nest, and Mrs. Robin didn't fly away. 

Usually she flies away when something comes near her nest.  She flies to a small tree in the front yard.  Then she flies to another tree just like it.  If we get too close to that tree, she flies all the way up to a big tree. 

This is me writing.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mrs. Robin Protects Her Eggs

Last night, it rained so hard.  Mrs. Robin saw through the sky, just in time.  If she haddn't gone into her nest, the babies would freeze to death and die.  I didn't want that.  I wanted to see them still be alive.  She protected them, and God protected her.  I like how everything is perfect in this world - birds, everything.  Especially baby birds, they're my faaaaavorite stuff.  I like how Mrs. Robin protected her eggs last night.  I was sooooooo, so, so worried about this.    

Today, Seth and I went out to take some pictures.  Here is one of the pictures I took today: 


After the Storm

Last night it rained, but the eggs did not get wet because Mrs. Robin sat on the eggs all night long.  I was very worried that the eggs would not make it through the night.  This morning, Josh and I went out to see if the eggs were ok.  We found that the eggs were all dry. 

This is a picture of Mrs. Robin in a tree.  This is not the tree that she has her nest in because I got too close to her nest, and she flew away.  I finally got to take a picture of her.  It took a few minutes, but she finally stayed still. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

The First Eggs of Summer!

Hi!  Welcome to our blog.  We made this blog so we can share this news to people.  The news is that four blue eggs are in a nest near our mailbox.  They are robins eggs.   

We were going to cut down the tree near our mailbox.  When we started, a bird flew out of the tree.  We looked into the tree and saw the bird's nest.  We looked inside and saw 4 blue eggs inside the nest.  Mom picked us up so we could see the eggs.  Shelby wanted to pick up an egg, but she might have squashed it, so we didn't let her pick it up. 

This morning, we took some pictures of the eggs and nest.  Seth got close to take a picture of Mrs. Robin, but couldn't zoom in with the camera to take a picture before she flew away.  Seth lifted up Joshua, and he took a picture of the four blue eggs. 

Every school day, we are going to write on our blog about Mrs. Robin's Eggs.  We are excited that the birds will hatch and we will see them grow!

Here are today's pictures: